HealthCare Support Attends CAHP in the Golden State

California Association of Health Plans Annual Conference

October 22-24, 2018

We are excited about our upcoming conference for the California Association of Health Plans (CAHP) in San Diego, California at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. With the attempted changes to the Affordable Care Act in D.C, stakeholders in California are partnering to improve our healthcare system. There has been some debate over whether California should regulate healthcare prices, expand coverage to the remaining uninsured, create a public option, or start using a single payer healthcare system.

While this is happening, CAHP and its affiliates are working to better the existing healthcare system and improve the way consumers work with health plans. The debate to California’s health plans include expanding coverage, providing increased subsidies for those who buy their own insurance, and persuading lawmakers to think about a state level individual mandate.

HealthCare Support’s Business Development Manager, Jay Bridge, will be in attendance and joining over 1,000 health care professionals. At the conference, Jay will be learning how our health plan partners are handling the changes being made to the health care system in California. Fulfilling new staffing needs and expectations will be instrumental to the success of the implementation of new health plan regulations.


Are Your Employees ‘Office Slackers’?

We’ve all done it. Whether it’s constantly checking your phone, spacing out, or talking to your coworkers, we’ve all slacked. Americans spend almost two hours a day doing something other than their actual work. This means that companies waste an average of $759 billion on unfinished tasks.

Why do employees slack off? It’s a mixture between employees feeling like they are getting underpaid, employees not having enough to do, distracting and talkative coworkers, and the “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitude. Almost half of this wasted time is due to workers checking their cell phones and a third is socializing. And above all, one percent of this wasted time are employees applying for other jobs. So how can we fix this?

Employers, here are some tips to keep your employees productive:

Create a beneficial ambiance

    1. People feel more connected to nature when there are live plants around the office. Some results show that people with plants on their desks tend to be happier than those who don’t.
    2. Try and work with the sunlight. Make use of the windows or go for more sun-like light bulbs.
    3. It’s always nice to walk into work and have it smell nice in the office. Go buy candles or wall plug-ins. If it’s the season, buy seasonal smelling candles. It will give your workers a sense of home and comfort.
    4. Cater food in the office. Food powers the brain and it keep your em
    5. ployees focused and productive. Also, who doesn’t like free food?

Promote a more personable workplace

    1. Try to know your employees on a first name basis. It’s more comfortable for them when their boss knows their name.
    2. Join the company’s clubs and organizations. People will connect more when you share common interests– such as sports, book clubs, movies, and video games.
    3. Ask your employees about their lives outside of work, like how their families are. Hold the door open for them and give them a little smile. Any of these can create a more pleasing vibe and will make them feel more at ease.

Make your employees feel appreciated

    1. People like going into work when they feel they’re doing a nice job. Praise them as much as possible and try not to let anything good go unnoticed. Thank your employees if they do something for you.
    2. Don’t get emotional. It’s hard enough when employees know they did something wrong. Handle negative situations calmly. You hired bright employees and you know this because you wouldn’t have hired them if you thought otherwise.

Something so little, like a small smile or a compliment on someone’s hair might turn around their day for the better. You never know the kind of impact you’ll have on your employees, so remain positive and pleasant every chance you get.