7 Tips to Help Nail the Interview

Employment in the healthcare industry is very competitive. Although your resume can get you the interview, handling the process can be a huge contributor in whether you’ll clinch the job. To ensure you get the job offer, follow these surefire tips!
Make a good impression
- Dress professionally- conventional, but tasteful. The position may call for scrubs, but still show up in business formal attire.
- Arrive 10-15 minutes before the interview and have several copies of your resume on hand.
- Maintain eye contact and smile, it’s a sign of confidence.
Learn as much as you can about the company. Know their mission statement and the range of services they offer. Use the information whenever it’s applicable; it shows the employer that you came prepared.
Be passionate
Asides from describing why you’re enthusiastic about the job, also explain what it is about the company that interests you.
Prepare for questions
Anticipating the common questions will help you reduce awkward pauses and clumsy answer. Preparing a short list of intelligent questions to ask will also impress the hiring manager.
Maximize your strengths and acknowledge your weaknesses
Most hiring managers want to hire people who show confidence in their strengths, recognize their weaknesses, and know how to manage them.
Have references ready
Feel you’ve had a great interview? Presenting a list of professional references could seal the deal! Offer a copy at the close of the interview to help show your confidence that your references will be positive.
Send a thank you letter
After your interview send a thank you letter to all parties involved. This special touch keeps you on the forefront of their mind and increases your chances of landing the job.
Unsure of something? Let your Recruiting Consultant know during your Interview Prep. At HealthCare Support we are more than recruiters, we are career coaches with inside knowledge or the industry.