When is the Best Time for an Interview?

When it comes to interviewing for a dream job, a lot of the responsibility rests on you to make a good impression. However, knowing what to wear or how to prepare can only get you so far in some cases. A lot also depends upon how your interviewer is feeling. One way to ensure that the person conducting your interview is attentive and open, is to schedule your meeting at a specific time. Here are some tips on how to decide what time would be best to set up an interview with a particular company.
Try to avoid Fridays
Unless suggested by the hiring manager, Fridays are normally not good days to hold an interview. The office will either be winding down from the past week or thinking about their weekend plans. Either way, interviewing on a Friday may result in a distracted interviewer. Opt for one of the ‘hump days’ in the middle of the work week when the interviewer will be more focused and grounded in their work.
Don’t let them go hungry
Some say the best time for an interview is around 10:30, when the day is still fresh, but it isn’t too close to lunch. Avoid dealing with a hungry interviewer by either scheduling your meeting well before lunch, or a little bit after lunch.
The early bird gets the worm
In situations where the company you’re interviewing for needs to make a decision quickly, you always want to be their first option. Find out how soon they are looking to fill the position, or if they sound frantic about it. If so, take the soonest available slot they have open. Almost always, when a company needs a quick hire and there is not much to be deliberated, they’ll go with their first option.
The Time is Now
The interviewing process is delicate, and timing is everything. We at HealthCare Support understand that, which is why we’ve pulled together tools to help you find jobs that are a good fit for you in the healthcare industry. We also provide you with resources to help you nail any interviews you schedule. Now is the time for you to get that job you’ve always wanted, and we can help. To learn more, give us a call at 407-478-0332.