Tips for Floating to Another Unit

From the patients to the treatments to the actual unit, nearly every part of your job as a registered nurse can change on a daily basis. Shifting constantly can be intimidating as a newcomer to nursing but having some professional tools and techniques can make any transition easier to face. To prepare for your first day floating or to minimize your overall anxiety about switching units, keep the following tips in mind.
Start Your Shift Right
Some units can seem more intimidating than others, but the staff on each floor undoubtedly appreciate a warm introduction. Introduce yourself to the other nurses on duty, let them know if you’re feeling a little nervous or are new to floating, and offer yourself to be of assistance. A simple conversation like this can make you feel immediately more comfortable in any unit and help you to make connections that will boost your confidence when needing to ask for extra guidance.
Likewise, you must make a point to meet with your resource nurse or the unit charge nurse to ask any questions you have about your daily tasks and understand if they have any beneficial information to give out. Once you’ve made your introductions, get ready to officially gear up for the rest of your shift.
Become Familiar with the Area
Floating to a new unit is intimidating largely because the surroundings are a bit different than what you normally work in. So, once you get to know your fellow nurses, get to know your unit. Whether you can receive a guided tour from someone on staff or have to personally make it your mission to scan the hall yourself, track and memorize locations of key areas. Know these areas ahead of time so you won’t have to struggle to find or guide visitors to them during the busier hours of your shift.
Make the Most of Your Day
Regardless of how intimidating a unit might seem, you are prepared to handle whatever the day throws your way. View the opportunity in another unit as a chance to learn, grow, and gain new skills. Let your education and on-the-job experience guide your decisions and maximize your time on the clock. If you have any questions or concerns, approach the other nurses in your hall and kindly request a helping hand. Since you’ve already made the right introduction, they’ll have no problem understanding your situation and offering their assistance.
End Your Shift with a Smile
To end your day on a high note, give thanks to the nurses and other employees who lent their support. If you end up floating to the unit again in the future, you’ll already have rapport with the stationed staff members. Talk with the charge nurse to gain feedback on your performance and learn what you can do to enhance your time in their unit in the future. When it comes to floating to another unit, practice really can make your experience perfect.
Industry Tips from Healthcare Recruiters
If floating to another unit isn’t the only thing that intimidates you about being a registered nurse, contact the healthcare recruiters at HealthCare Support. Our team will equip you with the tools to feel confident in each shift. And, we’ll provide you with expert industry advice to guide you to the healthcare facility that fits your professional style. To receive more information on our services or join our healthcare talent network, call us today at 407-478-0332.