How to Stand out During an Interview

As of September, 2018, there were more than six million Americans look for a job. And while there are at least that many job openings, many are in lower paying job sectors. To say that the competition is fierce for permanent, well-paying, career positions is no understatement. With so many applicants, it’s more important than ever to make yourself memorable (in a good way) after you’ve been chosen among the sea of job seekers to have an interview with the company you’re looking to join.
Be polite and respectful
While we agree that this should be expected of all applicants, the reality of today’s society is that not all people take the time to be polite and kind. Your demeanor counts and that note thanking the interviewer for his or her time could just be the small thing that sets you apart.
Look professional
Dress as if you already held the position you’re seeking (and not on a casual day). Your look will help the interviewer to envision you in the open position.
Do your homework
Again, every applicant should learn a little bit about the company they are looking to join, but many don’t take the time. Ask a few thoughtful questions that show you are interested enough to learn whether the company will be a good fit for you.
Answer questions with examples
When an interviewer asks you about what skills you’ll bring to the open position, answer with an example of what you’ve done in the past rather than a generic (an unsubstantiated) trait.
Job interviews are undeniably stressful, and the competition for most jobs is considerable. Make your time in front of the person doing the hiring count by being polite and respectful, dressing for the position, taking time to do your homework and trying to answer questions with examples rather than platitudes.