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Pharmacist Job Information

Pharmacists are responsible for filling prescription medications to patients and educating them about the safe use of prescribed drugs. They are often asked to answer general health questions, conduct health screenings, and oversee pharmacy personnel. Pharmacists work in a pharmacy, which are often found in local drug stores and groceries. They also work in hospitals and various clinics.

Responsibilities of a pharmacist:

  • Fill prescriptions
  • Communicate with physicians about medications and dosage for patients
  • Ensure medication won’t interact with other medicine a patient is taking
  • Discuss proper use of medication with patients
  • Answer questions about general health
  • Administer immunizations such as flu shots
  • Work with insurance companies on behalf of patients
  • Oversee pharmacy technicians
  • Perform administrative tasks

All pharmacists must have a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree from an accredited pharmacy program. A Pharm.D. degree will require at least six years of post-secondary education. Proper licensing is also necessary, which requires passing a state board of pharmacy licensure exam. Some pharmacists elect to earn certifications to demonstrate their advanced knowledge in a certain area of medicine.

Most pharmacists spend their day on their feet filling prescriptions and answering patient questions. A pharmacist must be able to demonstrate knowledge in medicine and provide advice to patients.